Non-Zero Audit Indicators
Plaudit Indicators have a new Non-Zero option to help summarize more aspects of department performance

A Plaudit Indicator is a result or ratio that helps to summarize a surgical department's outcomes. For example, wound infections per type of procedure would be a common Indicator for many specialties. Indicators automatically categorize and summarize key performance elements so that compliance with expected standards can be confirmed at a glance.
In Plaudit, you can define as many Indicators as you need, independently of your lists of Complication records. The Indicators are calculated during Audit report preparation and are presented on the Summary page of your Plaudit Report.
You can define Indicators yourself using the Plaudit Generator application, or you can Import Indicators from the growing list at the Plaudit website.
Less is More
While you could theoretically add dozens of Indicators for your Audit, the purpose of an Indicator is to summarize important performance measures. If there are too many indicators, participants can be overwhelmed with detail, reducing the value of the Audit.
Non-Zero Indicators
Starting in Version 10.0.106, Plaudit now has a Non-Zero option for your indicators. Non-Zero indicators only display if the Indicator definition is met by one or more patient encounters.
This allows definition of multiple Indicators that are calculated every time, with only the significant results included in your report.